"Charity and public libraries: Does government funding crowd out donati" by Amir Borges Ferreira Neto

Charity and public libraries: Does government funding crowd out donations?

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Regional Research Institute


This paper analyzes the determinants of donations to public libraries testing the following hypothesis: Is there a crowd out effect from government funding of public libraries? I look at novel data, the Public Library Survey, and use an unbalanced panel of public libraries across the USA from 2000 to 2013. The results suggest a crowd in effect with an inverted U shape in all levels of government. Local government is associated with 4–6 cents increase in donations, state government with 20–23 cents increase, and federal government with 75 cents to 1 dollar and 33 cents.

Source Citation

Ferreira Neto, A.B. Charity and public libraries: Does government funding crowd out donations?. J Cult Econ 42, 525–542 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10824-018-9318-4
