"Who Creates Waste? Different Perspectives on Waste Attribution in a Re" by Christa D. Jensen, Stuart McIntyre et al.

Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date


Document Number

Research Paper #2009-9


We use a regional input output (IO) framework and data derived on waste generation by industry to examine regional accountability. In addition to estimating a series of industry waste-output coefficients, the paper considers a series of methods for waste attribution, and practical use for policymakers. The paper first considers perspectives on attribution of domestic waste generation using basic Type I and Type II industry multipliers, and also compares these with multipliers derived from a trade endogenised linear attribution system (TELAS) which permits a greater focus on private and public final consumption as the main exogenous driver of waste generation in the domestic economy. Second, it uses a domestic technology assumption (DTA) to consider what Wales’s ‘waste footprint’ would be if it had to meet all its consumption requirements through domestic production.
