Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Sexual Identity and Homophily: The Powerful Role of Sexual Identity for Romantic Partner Selection, Lee Thorpe Jr
The Sociology of Bail Reform: Crime, Social Interaction, and Offender Experiences in Rurality., Scott Kevin Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Deadly Divisions: Class and Stigma as Fundamental Social Causes of Spatial Health Inequalities, Misty Lee Harris
Fast Raising: Digital Fundraising as Interaction Rituals, Matthew P. Hartwell
The Enigmatic Nature of Toxic Masculinity: Utilizing Quasi-Photovoice Methodology to Make Distinctions between Hegemonic and Toxic Masculinity, Taylor Elizabeth Remsburg
Sexism in the Digital World: A Thematic Content Analysis of the Cyberbullying of Lil Miquela, Shyanne Elizabeth Schmithorst
Love, Life, and Controversial Topics: A Content Analysis of the Top Liked Abortion TikTok Videos Before and After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade, Jill E. Sturges
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Exploring Cyberterrorism, Topic Models and Social Networks of Jihadists Dark Web Forums: A Computational Social Science Approach, Vivian Fiona Guetler
A Multi-Method Examination of the Effects of Students’ Unconscious Biases on Student Evaluations of Instructors, Brittany M. Kowalski
It’s a Bleed: Pediatric Hemophilia and Length of Stay, Rural vs Urban Hospitals, Daniel G. Liedl
Barriers and Opportunities to Exiting Prostitution: An Analysis of Prostitution Diversion Programs, Marina Binti Mohd Hamdan
Living on the Edge: Trans* Exclusion, Survival, and Resistance, Rayna E. Momen
Exploration of Intercollegiate Student-Athletes’ Athletic Identity, Leah C. Oldham
Love at First Profile: An Experiment Exploring if Previously Incarcerated Individuals are Less Desirable While Online Dating, Carina L. Perrone
“I Lost Everything I Owned… Now I’m Growing That Back”: Narratives of Redemption After Meth Immersed Lives, Danielle M. Stoneberg
Gun Culture 3.0, Andrew Phillip Stover
The Bigger Picture: Wrongful Conviction Documentary Thematic vs Episodic Framing, Alecsandra N. Vac
The Heart of Everything in the Middle of Nowhere: The Role of Rural Identity in the Formation and Deployment of Political Attitudes in Pennsylvania, Mikaela G. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Adult Delinquency and Victimization: A Test of Differential Association Theory with New Data, Shah Alam
Addressing a Blind Spot: Altruistic Fear and Religious Bias Motivated Victimization, Emily N. Hawkins
The Development and Distinction of Emerging School Professionals: Boundary Work of Guidance Counselors and School Psychologists, Madison E. Wilson
Health Disparities by Sexual Orientation Components in the United States, Julia Kay Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Effects of Gentrification on Residents’ Sense of Place and Group Cohesion: A Study of Pittsburgh Neighborhoods, Bernard DiGregorio
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Framing effects on fear of terrorism and willingness to sacrifice civil liberties, Ellory Ruth Dabbs
Legitimacy, Procedural Justice, and Neighborhood Dynamics: Thoughts on Police Reform, Robert Lyle Nicewarner
Bridging the Gap: Utilizing Socratic Inquiry Facilitation in Cross-Cultural Communication and Conflict Exploration, Mikaela G. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Watching You Watching Me: Lateral Surveillance in Singapore, Yan Song Lee
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Transformation of Occupations: A Case Study of Professionalism in Cocktail Bartending, Jacqueline Fowler
More Than Just Attendance: Individualistic Versus Collective Religious Socialization on Religious Change, Caitlin Halligan
Analyzing the Costs of Nontraditional Choices: Role Congruity Theory and College Student's Perception of Attractiveness, Brittany M. Kowalski
A Strain Theory of Prosocial Behavior, Mallory Slusser
Exploring the Power of County-Level Regional Classifications on Predicting Sex-Specific All-Cause Mortality in the United States, Julia Kay Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Protecting the Shield: How the NFL frames an organizational crisis, Mel Anton
The Opinions and Attitudes of Police Officers to Proposed Changes to Law Enforcement, Jason C. Contessa
Withdrawn: Why Students of Color Leave WVU, Ahnieyah Porter
The Biased Bystander: How Homophobia Affects Intervention in Physical Fights, R. Kyle Saunders
Does enhanced nitrogen input affect the structure and composition of forest vegetation? Results from long-term experiments at the Fernow Experimental Forest, Christopher Alan Walter
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Normal Violence: The Case of Fighting on a College Campus, Brent Boyd
Addressing the Elephant in the Room: A Descriptive Analysis of Weight-Based Harassment on College Campuses, Lynnsie Doty
The Development of an Insect Succession Model Suitable for Time-Since-Death Statistics, Anne E. Perez
An old tool for a new generation: Using the Star power simulation to teach social inequality, Barbara Prince
Police Officers Talking About Gun Control: A Case Study of a Rural Sheriff's Department, Angela Sycafoose
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Political Violence and Unemployment: Socio-Economic Strain as a Potential Source of Terrorism, Reinmar C. Freis-Beattie
Selling 'Fracking': Legitimation of High Speed Oil and Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale Region, Jacob R. Matz
White Collar Crime and Morality: How Occupation Shapes Perception, Marshall Schmidt
Representation of Missing Children in National Television News, Clara Simmons
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Theoretical Relationship Between Guardianship and Techniques of Neutralization: A Qualitative Analysis of Digital Piracy, Christopher D. Davies
Professionalization of Personal Trainers in the Fitness Industry, Lara M. Foster
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Adolescents vs. Adults: Does the Criminal Justice System Punish Youth more severely than Adults for the same type of Crime, Sheena L. Bowman
The Social Transformation of Coffee Houses: The Emergence of Chain Establishments and the Private Nature of Usage, Dawn Marie Lozzi
The Sustainability of Hunger Relief: Analysis of Emergency Food Providers in Low Access Counties of West Virginia, Juston Chad Morrison
Bias blindness: How police see and don't see hate crimes, R. Jake Stump
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Jimmy Choos vs. Ariats: The presentation of masculinity in the online sex ads of men who have sex with men, Adam Thomas Babich
Are strict churches really stronger? A study of strictness, congregational activity, and growth in American Protestant churches, Rebecca Ann Flynn
The great American debate: A constructionist approach on the media's coverage of government bailouts, Meghan Danielle Hvizdos
The once and future steel town: The narrative identities of a local community, Jason R. Rine
Sense of community, collective efficacy, and perceived police efficacy: Research from a social cognitive perspective, Ellen Belchior Rodrigues
From Bigfoot in the backyard to ghosts in the attic: Predictors of paranormal belief, Jeff Tranguch
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Zoned out: Conflict and perceived threat in a rural-urban fringe area, Jennifer Chambers
Bidding at the prison auction house: An exchange of prisoners' and university students' perceptions of crime and punishment, Kate J. DuBois
An exploration of the reasons violent crimes are not reported to the police, Sheena A. Marosy
Community social status effects on migration outcomes, Mark Gerald Middleton
Curriculum assessment in the Division of Sociology and Anthropology at West Virginia University, Jennifer Luise Mitchell
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Assessing public opinion toward homelessness in the United States, Joni Mari Dugan
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Creating Virginia: The role of John Lederer in the transition of western Virginia from a wilderness into a colony, Richard Jason Burns
Student beliefs and self-reported juvenile deliquency: A test of general strain theory, Jacqueline Nicole Canady
Understanding the psychosocial development of neighborhoods: Implications for situational policing, Jeri Kirby
Revisiting capital punishment: Factors that matter when receiving the death penalty (a state by state analysis), Bridget Ann Micka
Analysis of the West Virginia Child Abuse and Neglect 2005 Court Improvement Program's re-evaluation, Kathryn Alexandra Rood
The effects of social bond and neutralization on juvenile drug usage, Adam Shields
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The effects of postindustrial employment configurations on father-child involvement in urban fragile families, Michael G. Cina
Views of health care providers on low-income populations in West Virginia with sexually transmitted disease, Genevieve R. Cox
Child abuse and crime: Testing in the "Cycle of Violence" theory, Melanie A. Cox
Action research analysis of the forces affecting farmer participation in a West Virginia Cooperative Extension Service farmer education program, John Robert Edalgo
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Women and social services in Saudi Arabia, Khadija Nasseef
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Sensitivity of state aid allocation to measures of needs and resources in local governments, Adam Dale Baus
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Manager characteristics and support for worksite health promotion programs that target women in small, blue-collar worksites, Leigh Wiley Belton
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Child support enforcement in West Virginia, Amy Ellen Hendershott
Examining yard sales in Fayetteville, a rural West Virginia town, Kimberly Dawn Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Federal highway spending and economic growth in Appalachia, James Herbert Noonan
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
Contacts of Negroes and Whites in Morgantown, Ellis Ray Williams