Submissions from 2006
A Floristic quality index for West Virginian wetland and riparian plant communities, James S. Rentch and James Thomas Anderson
Submissions from 2005
West Virginia dairy quality assurance program, Daniel J. Poole
Feasibility of goat production in West Virginia : a handbook for beginners, Doolarie Singh-Knights and Marlon Knights
Submissions from 2004
Responses of Holstein heifers to prepartum milking, Nancy J. Kerr and Robert A. Dailey
Submissions from 2002
An empirical analysis of quality of life and health in selected regions of West Virginia, James Bukenya
Submissions from 2000
An empirical analysis of income distribution in West Virginia, James Bukenya
Infrastructure and economic development : what is their relationship in West Virginia?, Kristen Sagath Corwin and Alan R. Collins
Farms and forests, Jack E. Coster
Submissions from 1999
International trade in poultry meats, Dale Colyer
Occurrence, etiology and management of ringwomb in ewes, Nancy J. Kerr and Robert A. Dailey
Nutrient fluxes for two small forested watersheds : sixteen-year results from the West Virginia University forest, James S. Rentch and Ray R. Hicks
Submissions from 1998
Wood-fired boiler use in West Virginia, 1992 to 1997, R. Bruce Anderson, Curt C. Hassler, and Victor R. Hutchinson
The development of a manure composting system for West Virginia dairy producers, James Simmons
Submissions from 1997
Canopy arthropods of an experimentally acidified watershed, Linda Butler and Gregory A. Chrislip
A survey of logging residues in West Virginia, 1995, Shawn T. Grushecky
Submissions from 1995
Canopy arthropods at Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia's Allegheny Mountain section., Linda Butler
Canopy arthropods at Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia's Allegheny Mountain section., Linda Butler
Canopy arthropods at Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia's Allegheny Mountain section: III : families of arthropods on foliage and under burlap bands, Linda Butler, Gregory A. Chrislip, and Vicki Kondo
Richness and abundance of arthropods in the oak canopy of West Virginia's eastern ridge and valley section during a study of the impact of Bacillus thuringiensis with emphasis on macrolepidoptera larvae, Linda Butler, Cathy Zivkovich, and Bradley E. Sample
Submissions from 1993
Impact of Dimilin on non-target Lepidoptera : results of an operational gypsy moth suppression program at Coopers Rock State Forest, West Virginia, Linda Butler and Vicki Kondo
Assessment of pesticide residues in soil water and wells associated with an apple orchard and strawberry fields, Joseph E. Weaver, Henry W. Hogmire, and John C. Sencindiver
Submissions from 1992
Association of short luteal phases with follicular development in sheep and cows, Robert A. Dailey
Nutrient fluxes for two small watersheds : seven-year results from the West Virginia University forest, Ray R. Hicks
Rumen digestive physiology and microbial ecology, W. H. Hoover and T. K. Miller
Submissions from 1991
Macrolepidopterous moths : collected by blacklight trap at Cooper's Rock State Forest, West Virginia : a baseline study, Linda Butler and Vicki Kondo
Submissions from 1990
Growth, yield and fruit quality of 'delicious' apple strains, Tara A. Baugher
A comparison of inhibitor treatment systems for controlling superficial scald on four apple cultivars, M. Ingle, Mervyn Christopher D'Souza, and J. C. Morris
Wood residues as an energy resource., David Walter Patterson and Gary W. Zinn
Submissions from 1989
Yield and quality of winter annual forages, Julio Cesar Medal and John Allan Balasko
Submissions from 1988
Fuel consumption for kiln drying Appalachian hardwoods, James P. Armstrong and Samuel M. Brock
Nutritive quality of warm season grasses in the Northeast, R. L. Reid, G. A. Jung, and D. W. Allinson
Biocontrol of the alfalfa weevil : a status report, Joseph E. Weaver and Judith B. Shaffer
Submissions from 1987
Creep grazing lambs on tall fescue pastures., C. C. Adandedjan
Economic feasibility of cogeneration at sawmills in West Virginia, Samuel M. Brock, David Walter Patterson, and Joshua O. Ruan
Factors affecting gain of beef bulls consigned to a central test station, C. L. Franklin
Beef and sheep farming in the Allegheny highlands : an analysis of alternative management strategies on small farms and farmer reactions, Kimberly Reda-Wilson
EERS (Economic Evaluation of a Residue System) : a model for analyzing the economics of installing a steam kiln and wood-fired boiler at a West Virginia sawmill, David R. Walton, David Walter Patterson, and James P. Armstrong
Submissions from 1985
Interregional competition in the U.S. broiler industry, Hui-Yuan Chen Wu and Robert L. Jack
Submissions from 1984
Lumber drying in West Virginia : results of an industry survey, James P. Armstrong
A survey of the nutritional status of West Virginia peach orchards, Tara Lou Auxt, Suman Singha, and Steve H. Blizzard
Consumers' opinions, attitudes and use of direct markets in West Virginia, Kitty Lou Blackburn
Trends in West Virginia domestic fuelwood use, Joy Boguszewski, Larry Eugene Maxim, and David Evans White
Effect of place of residence on consumer attitudes concerning fresh produce marketed through direct farm markets in West Virginia, Robert L. Jack and Kitty Lou Blackburn
Fencing strategies for beef and sheep producers : a comparative cost analysis, Maliheh Rouhani-Iravan and Robert O. Burton
Forests & the West Virginia economy, Gary W. Zinn and Kenneth D. Jones
Submissions from 1983
Influence of monensin on feed efficiency and puberty of beef heifers, J. G. Berardinelli
Characteristics of rural residents in West Virginia : results of a 1981 survey in nine counties, Dale Colyer
Submissions from 1982
The New River connection to the black fly problem in southern West Virginia, James W. Amrine
An assessment of transportation services by older citizens in Doddridge, Hampshire, and Webster counties, West Virginia, in 1978, Kenneth D. McIntosh
Meat pricing strategies and advertising : a case study, Joyce Elaine Schumacher and Dale K. Colyer
A Survey of the nutritional status of West Virginia apple orchards, S. Singha
Evaluating roughness of logging haul roads within the Monongahela National Forest, Michael R. Sprouse
Selenium status of beef cattle and sheep in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, Donna Lynn Stadtmore, R. L. Reid, and G. A. Jung
Monongalia area survey, 1981 : citizens' views on industrial development and quality of life, Nancy Stout-Wiegand, Roger W. Trent, and Dennis K. Smith
The increment contract : a potential means of increasing timber production from nonindustrial private forests in the central Appalachians, Gary W. Zinn and Gary W. Miller
Submissions from 1980
Horse flies and deer flies of West Virginia : an illustrated key (Diptera, Tabanidae), Bastiaan M. Drees and Linda Butler
Fertilizers., B. H. Hite
Effect of improvement cuttings and thinnings on the understories of mixed oak and cove hardwood stands, Kenneth B. Kirkham and Kenneth L. Carvell
Submissions from 1979
Forage and weed species and grazing management systems on permanent pastures in the Allegheny Highlands of West Virginia, Barton S. Baker and Roger L. Nestor
The feasibility of establishing low volume beef slaughtering - processing plants in West Virginia, Ronnie L. Durst and John P. Kuehn
Global radiation in West Virginia., Richard Lee, D. G. Boyer, V. J. Valli, and W. H. Dickerson
Profile of fresh apple purchasers in West Virginia, Joan Margaret MacGregor and Robert L. Jack
Factors affecting rural land values in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, Luis E. Maldonado and Dale Colyer
Chemical composition and quality of tropical forages, R. L. Reid, Amy J. Post, and F. J. Olsen
Selected factors affecting feeder calf prices in West Virginia, George W. Ssekitooleko-Muyinga and John P. Kuehn
Silvicultural control of wild grapevines, George R. Trimble and Earl H. Tryon
Submissions from 1978
Minimum resource requirements for a 100 beef cow-calf enterprise -Leading Creek, Randolph County, West Virginia, David D. Hughes and Paul E. Nesselroad
Dependence on credit by rural and urban retail firms, William C. St. Clair and Ernest J. Nesius
Preliminary weight yield tables for evenaged upland oak forests, Harry V. Wiant and Froylan Castaneda
Submissions from 1977
Mineral concentration of forage species grown in central West Virginia on various soil series, Barton S. Baker and R. L. Reid
The West Virginia wood furniture industry : characteristics, problems and opportunities for development, Samuel M. Brock and Norman T. Hilliard
Land transfers, values, and assessments for West Virginia, 1968-1969, Dale Colyer and Mary E. Templeton
Properties of a flake-polymer composite particleboard, J. R. Hamiton
Changes in meat consumption and expenditures for West Virginia, 1973-75, John P. Kuehn
Impact of alternative marketing patterns for West Virginia Fresh market apples, Howard R. Scott and Robert L. Jack
Population change in West Virginia 1950-1970, Leonard Marion Sizer
Field evaluation of insecticides for control of turfgrass insect pests in West Virginia, 1969-1976, Joseph E. Weaver
Studies on the parasites associated with the alfalfa weevil in West Virginia, Joseph E. Weaver and Thomas S. Gallo
Tables and procedures for estimating weights of some Appalachian hardwoods, Harry V. Wiant
Aquatic insects as indicators of stream environmental quality in northern West Virginia, Bonnie Wojcik and Linda Butler
Submissions from 1976
Some microbial, drying, and odor reduction studies of poultry wastes, Susan Hurst Calderone and H. A. Wilson
Comparison of fresh markets for West Virginia apples, Robert L. Jack
Satisfaction with community services in northern West Virginia, John P. Kuehn
Taxonomic study of Collembola of West Virginia, George E. Lippert and Linda Butler
Warm weather in-house drying of poultry manure, A. D. Longhouse
Public-supported transportation for rural areas : a study of Monongalia County, West Virginia., Ernest J. Nesius
Elementary 3P sampling, Harry V. Wiant
Some microbiological factors associated with surface-mine reclamation, H. A. Wilson and David A. Zuberer
Submissions from 1975
Rural land use in the Monongahela River basin, J. O. Akintola, Dale Colyer, and Wayne Weber
Factors affecting rural land values along Corridor E in West Virginia, Andrew N. Dufresne and Dale Colyer
Design of flexural members, Laszlo O. Keresztesy
Beef and pork consumption in West Virginia, John P. Kuehn and James W. Bias
Poultry, seafood, and lunch meat consumption in West Virginia, John P. Kuehn and James W. Bias
The West Virginia University Forest Climate Station at Coopers Rock, Richard Lee and Stephen C. Hill
An analysis of the ratios of assessments to sales values for real estate in West Virginia, Alan J. Levy and Dale Colyer
Submissions from 1974
Engineering analysis of grafted apple trees as related to fruit supporting capacity, R. H. Fockel
Artificial insemination in sheep., E. K. Inskeep, J. T. Stevens, J. B. Peters, and Lance Kauff
The impact of changes within the West Virginia broiler industry over three time periods--1945, 1957, 1968, Robert L. Jack and Lynn A. Shaw
Stability and strength properties of wood columns, Laszlo O. Keresztesy
A survey of meat slaughtering and processing in West Virginia, John P. Kuehn