Prefatory Matter
The Doctrine of Advancements
M. Donald Wright Jr.
Student Notes
Jurors and the Sanctity of Their Verdicts
Lee O'Hanlon Hill
Case Comments
Conflict of Laws--Jurisdiction Over Nonresident Defendants by Extraterritorial Service of Process
Peter Uriah Hook
Evidence--Burden of Proof--Presumption of Innocence
Esdel Beane Yost
Income Tax--Payment by Sublessee for Cancelation of Lessee's Interest
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
Income Tax--Travel Expense Deductions--New Approach to Implement the "Temporary and Indefinite" Test
Arthur Mark Recht
Municipal Corporations--Municipality's Obligation to Pay Back Salary to De Jure Officer After Payment to De Facto Officer
William Warren Upton
Remedies--Mandamus--Procedure Used to Omit Former Deputy's Name on Ballot for Sheriff
James William Sarver
Rules of Civil Procedure--Interposing Counterclaim--Effect on Venue and Jurisdiction
Frederick Luther Davis Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Nick George Zegrea
The West Virginia Bar Association
President's Page
Stanley Higgins Jr.