Prefatory Matter
Student Notes
Criminal Responsibility to Determine Insanity--The Model Penal Code Test Emerges from the Currently Existing Tests
James William Sarver
State Versus Federal Jurisdiction and Control over Admission and Discipline of Attorneys
Esdel Beane Yost
Case Comments
Constitutional Law--Police Power--Regulation of Junk Yards
Herbert Stephenson Boreman Jr.
Constitutional Law--Sunday Closing Laws--Validity Sustained
Forest Jackson Bowman
Constitutional Law--Unlawful Search and Seizure--Evidence Obtained Thereby Not Admissible in State Courts
John Templeton Kay Jr.
Federal Courts--Amount in Controversy--Aggregation of Claims Against Co-defendant Insurance Companies
Edward Andrew Zagula
Future Interests--Rules Against Perpetuities--Construction of Interest as Vested or Contingent
Nick George Zegrea
Income Tax--Deductions--Loans by Employee to Corporation Deductible as Business Bad Debts
David Mayer Katz
Income Tax--Embezzled Funds Represent Taxable Income
John Everett Busch
Inheritance Tax--Tax on Specific Bequests--"Tax on a Tax Ad Infinitum" Held Proper
Robert Glenn Steele
Torts--Statutes of Limitations--Malpractice Actions Involving Objects Left in Surgical Patients
Aaron David Trub
Workmen's Compensation--Rights of Claimant Whose Injuries Were the Result of "Horseplay"
Charles Henry Rudolph Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
James Kilgore Edmundson Jr.
The West Virginia Bar Association
President's Page
Clarence E. Martin Jr.