Prefatory Matter
Recovery of Damages for Injuries Sustained by Children en Ventre sa Mere
Daniel A. Ruley Jr.
Student Note
Case Comments
Conflict of Laws--Full Faith and Credit versus Res Judicata
Sterl Franklin Shinaberry
Criminal Law--Entrapment
Robert William Burk Jr.
Criminal Procedure--Trial of Co-Defendants--Right of Silence Violated
Robert Edward Haden
Evidence--Federal Shop-Book Rule--Admissibility of Hospital Records
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Federal Courts--Diversity Jurisdiction by Assignment--Improper or Collusive.
Earl Moss Curry Jr.
Labor Law--Employee Rights under Collective Bargaining Agreement
Thomas Franklin McCoy
Municipal Corporations--Insurance and Immunity
Thomas Edward McHugh
Procedure--Rule 36--Request for Admissions
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Wills--Rights of an Adopted Child to Take as a Class Remainderman
Stephen Grant Young
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
The West Virginia Bar Association
President's Page
George G. Bailey