Issues 3 & 4
Prefatory Matter
West Virginia Usury Law--Comments upon the 1968 and 1969 Acts
William O. Morris
Student Notes
The Common Law as a Bar to Judicial Legislation
James H. McCauley
The Copyright Law and Mechanical Reproduction for Educational Purposes
Frank Edward Jolliffee
The Effect of Revenue Ruling 68-643 on the Prepaid Interest Deduction
William A. Kolibush
Political Defamation: The Price of Candidacy
James H. McCauley
Property--Fee Simple Determinables--Distinguishing Characteristics
James Alan Harris
Property Rights in Dead Bodies
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr.
Statutory Construction--The Role of the Court
Linda L. Hupp
Wrongful Death Action for Prenatal Injury
John Reed Homburg
Book Review
Invitation to an Inquest
Kenneth Joseph Fordyce
Case Comments
Constitutional Law--Stop and Frisk--Reasonableness Under the Fourth Amendment
John Michael Anderson
Constitutional Law--Vagrancy Ordinances--Their Future and Alternatives
Douglas Alan Cornelius and Joseph Marshall Stone
Criminal Law--Juvenile Offenders--Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Roy Franklin Layman
Elections--The Use of Certificates of Nomination
Ray Allen Byrd and Danny Lee Stickler
Federal Courts--Standards of Domicile in Diversity
William A. Tantlinger and James M. Brown
Landlord and Tenant--Constitutional Law--Retaliatory Evictions
Hugh C. Avis and John Watson Cooper
Gift Taxes--Valuation of Right to Income Under §2503 (b)
Joseph R. Goodwin and Erwin Conrad
Infants--Negligence--Standard of Care
Robert Russell Stobbs
Symposia on Constitutional Revision
David G. Hanlon
What Should a Model Constitution Contain
Albert L. Sturm
West Virginia's Constitution and the Governor
Hulett C. Smith
The West Virginia Constitution and Taxation
J. Timothy Philipps
Constitutional Revision in Maryland--Problems and Procedures
James R. Quimper
Practical Political Considerations in Constitutional Revision
Darrell V. McGraw