Issues 1 & 2
Prefatory Matter
What Has the Supreme Court Taught: A Criticism of the Unites States Supreme Court by Way of a Critique of Lance v. the Board of Education of Roane County
James Audley McLaughlin
Student Notes
Inheritance Tax--Is Federal Estate Tax Paid Totally Deductible
John Michael Anderson
Price Fixing--Fair Trade Laws
James Michael Brown
Workmen's Compensation--Retroactivity of Pneumoconiosis Amendment
Kenneth Joseph Fordyce
Workmen's Compensation--The Deliberate Intent Statute: Providing for the Victims of Industry
Larry Andrew Winter
Case Comments
Civil Rights--Sham Private Clubs and Racial Discrimination
James Robert Gerchow
Constitutional Law--Freedom of Expression
Charles Blaine Myers Jr.
Constitutional Law--Inter--Institutional Juvenile Transfer: Due Process and Equal Protection
Delby Barker Stobbs
Constitutional Law--Lance v. Board of Education--Constitutionality of Extraordinary Majority Elections
Daniel F. Hedges
Constitutional Law--Procedural Due Process Application To Pre-Judgement Garnishment
David Jeffrey Millstone
Lotteries--Promotional Scheme Constituting a Lottery
George William Lavender III
Trust--Arbitrary and Capricious Acts of Trustees
Lewis G. Brewer
Legislative Comments
Criminal Law--West Virginia Riot Law
William F. Hogsett
Domestic Relations--Divorce Law Changes
David L. Parmer
Symposia on Constitutional Revision
Constitutional Revision--The Legislature
Carl M. Frasure
Constitutional Revision--Virginia's Approach
A. E. Howard
Constitutional Revision--the Counties
Richard Shelton
The West Virginia Bar Association
President's Page
John R. Morris
West Virginia Law Review
Editor's Page
Joseph Robert Goodwin