Prefatory Matter
Frank Cruise Haymond--In Memoriam
Robert W. Meserve
Business Reciprocity as a Sherman Act Violation: A Generally Accepted, But as Yet Unadjudicated, Doctrine
Donald Ferguson
War Powers Legislation: An Addendum
J. Terry Emerson
Student Notes
Environmental Law--The Control of Nonreturnable Beverage Containers, Proposed Legislation
Frederick A. Jesser III
Labor Law--Employer Free Speech--Use of the Gissel Guidelines in Determining Predictions or Threats
Douglas Alan Cornelius
The Pauper--Short-Changed at the Jury Box
Jeffrey J. Yost
Case Comments
Negligence--Intoxicating Liquors--Vendor's Liability for Damages by Intoxicated Patrons
Roger A. Wolfe
Real Property--Covenant of General Warranty--Novel Definition of Conservative Eviction in West Virginia
Donald M. O'Rourke and Michael B. Keller
Taxation--The Office-in-Home Deductions
Thomas G. Freeman II