Prefatory Matter
West Virginia and the Uniform Probate Code: An Overview Part I
Earl M. Curry Jr.
Dental Litigation
William O. Morris
Student Notes
Torts--Expanding the Concept of Recovery for Mental and Emotional Injury
Jean Karen Dressler
Torts--Invitees, Licensees and Trespassers--A Trend towards Abolishing Classification of Entrants
Stephen R. Brooks
Wills--Implied Gifts of Remainders
W. Richard McCune Jr.
Case Comments
Constitutional Law-Right to Privacy-Electronic Surveillance
J. Timothy DiPiero
Criminal Procedure--Habeas Corpus--Federal Jurisdiction Expanded
Charles J. Kaiser
Criminal Procedure--Habeas Corpus--Waiver of Relief under the West Virginia Post-Conviction Habeas Corpus Act
Steven E. Deems
Labor Law--Arbitration of Safety Disputes
J. Timothy DiPiero