Issue 3, The National Coal Issue
Prefatory Matter
The Fair Market Value of Federal Coal
David A. Gulley
Federal Coal Leasing and Partisan Politics: Alternatives and the Shadow of Chadha
C. Peter Goplerud III
Coal Slurry Pipelines--In the Public Interest
C. Howard Hardesty and Edward S. Shipper Jr.
Contract Mining Agreements--The Contract Miner's Perspective
Henry McC. Ingram and John H. Lawrence Jr.
Federal Regulation of Coal Mine Waste Disposal: A Blueprint for Disaster
Thomas J. FitzGerald
Encouraging Advances in Mining and Reclamation Practices: An Analysis of the Experimental Practices Provision of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
David C. Short, John R. Batt, and Barbara Lovan
Book Review
Coal Law and Regulation
Jerome H. Simonds and John S. Lopatto
Energy Independence through Increased Utilization of American Coal: Goal of the 98th Congress
James A. McClure
Setting National Coal Policy: Interaction between Congress, Regulatory Agencies and the Courts
Carl E. Bagge
Coal Resource Development--Toward a Rational Policy
J. Davitt McAteer
Student Materials
Jurisdiction and Exemptions under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
John M. Hedges