Prefatory Matter
The Key-Man System for Composing Jury Lists in West Virginia--The Story of Abuse, the Case for Reform
Charles R. DiSalvo
Grandparent Visitation Rights: Social Policies and Legal Rights
Elaine D. Ingulli
Marriage Neutrality: An Old Idea Comes of Age
Douglas K. Chapman
Case Comment
New York v. Quarles: Dimming Miranda's Bright Line
W. Scott Campbell
Surveys of Developments in West Virginia Law: 1984
Administrative Law
James W. McNeely
Civil Procedure
Charles Peter Miller
Commercial Law
James Robert Williamson
Criminal Law
Mark A. Colantonio
Criminal Procedure
Kathryn A. Kersting
Domestic Relations
Mary Ellen Guy
Labor and Employment
Raymond Parker
Public Officials
Charles O. Lorenson