"The NCAA Athletics Arms Race: Theory and Evidence" by Adam Hoffer, Brad R. Humphreys et al.

Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date



Chambers College of Business and Economics

Document Number





We develop and empirically test a model of intercollegiate athletic department expenditure decisions. The model extends general dynamic models of nonprice competition and includes the idea that nonprofit athletic departments may simply set expenditure equal to revenues. Own and rival prestige is included in the athletic departments' utility function, generating rivalrous interaction. The model predicts that current own and rival investment has multiperiod effects on prestige since investment is durable. We test the model using data from NCAA Division I athletic programs from 2006-2011; the models incorporate spatial autocorrelation that capture dynamic rivalrous interaction. Results support the prediction of both models - NCAA Division I athletic programs appear to engage in dynamic non-price competition in terms of expenditure and spend all revenues generated.

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