Date of Graduation
Document Type
Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) bars have been recognized as a possible substitution for steel rods because of their noncorrosive properties. However, there is a need to establish sufficient data bank and to develop reliable analytical tools for the analysis of such FRP bars before they could confidently be used and their performance could be predicted and assured in advance. This research is concern with such an effort towards experimental as well theoretical characterization of fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) bars under static loads. An integrated micro-macro three-dimensional finite element (EHSM) model and generalized plain-strain elasticity solution (ES) are employed to perform the correlation analysis. The EHSM model, incorporating hygrothermal effects, is used to perform the stress analysis of FRP bars under realistic loads. The informations derived from experimental results, and from parametric studies, are utilized to develop simplified design equations for predicting the stiffness and strength of FRP bars under combined mechanical and hygrothermal loading environments. Such design equations are expected to handy tools for design engineers. The methodology adapted is similar to that of regression analysis. The experimental phenomenon of decrease in strength with increase in specimen diameter is investigated by analytical models developed using mechanics of materials approach and accounting for the "shear-lag" phenomenon. The predictions show excellent correlation with the test data obtained from tension and three-point bending tests.
Recommended Citation
Wu, Wei-Pin, "Thermomechanical properties of fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) bars." (1991). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 10052.