"Geophysical investigations of near-surface mine sites in northern West" by Peter E. Fahringer



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Geology and Geography

Committee Chair

Thomas H. Wilson.


The production of acid mine drainage (AMD) from surface and underground coal mine sites in northern West Virginia is a major environmental problem and continues to receive much attention in affected communities. Reclamation efforts at these sites often require extensive and costly treatments and are based on limited subsurface information. Use of geophysical techniques to characterize these sites, monitor remedial efforts, and provide additional subsurface information is evaluated in this study. Terrain conductivity (EM31 and EM34) grids as well as resistivity and magnetic profiles were collected at a mine spoil and two abandoned underground mine sites in northern West Virginia. Data were contoured and modeled using computer software to evaluate various subsurface conditions. Geophysical data were used in conjunction with hydrologic, geochemical, and borehole data previously collected to develop a better understanding of subsurface conditions at each site. Because terrain conductivity data can be collected rapidly and interpreted easily, it is the most promising of the techniques used in this study. Results of this study illustrate the potential benefits of geophysical surveys to mine site evaluation as well as some limitations. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
