"Seismic evaluation of the Mississippian Greenbrier Limestone and Devon" by Li Zheng


Li Zheng

Date of Graduation


Document Type



The Mississippian Greenbrier Limestone and Devonian Ohio Shale were studied in the Big Ugly area of southwestern West Virginia by reprocessing and interpreting existing seismic and geological data. Careful design of routine processing parameters and the use of a modified tau-p filter significantly enhanced the quality of seismic data from the area. The presence of detached structures above three decollement zones and cross-strike discontinuities (CSD's) associated with the Alleghanian deformation west of Mann Mountain anticline is suggested. A basement growth structure, the Griffithsville basement high, localized detached structures along its southeast flank. High producing trends in the Devonian Ohio Shale occur either near the northwest trending CSD's or in northeast-trending detached structures where fracture density should be increased. The Greenbrier reservoirs, are found basically in northwest-trending oolitic bars along tidal channels and along flanks of ancient "highs". The Greenbrier Limestone interval in these producing areas has slightly thinner than average thickness (160-200 feet).
