

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Jeremy Dawson

Committee Member

Matthew Valenti

Committee Member

Nasser Nasrabadi


Contactless fingerprinting devices have grown in popularity in recent years due to speed and convenience of capture. Also, due to the global COID-19 pandemic, the need for safe and hygienic options for fingerprint capture are more pressing than ever. However, contactless systems face challenges in the areas of interoperability and matching performance as shown in other works. In this paper, we present a contactless vs. contact interoperability assessment of several contactless devices, including cellphone fingerphoto capture. During the interoperability assessment, the quality of the fingerprints was considered using the NBIS NFIQ software with the contact-based fingerprint performing the best overall as expected. In addition to evaluating the match performance of each contactless sensor, this paper presents an analysis of the impact of finger size and skin melanin content on contactless match performance. AUC results indicate that contactless match performance of the newest contactless devices is reaching that of contact fingerprints. In addition, match scores indicate that, while not as sensitive to melanin content, contactless fingerprint matching may be impacted by finger size.
