"Raising Awareness of Second Victim Phenomenon and SupportingYOU: A Qua" by Megan Renee Bryant



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Michael Frame

Committee Member

Michael Schwalm

Committee Member

Mary Fanning


Current literature has established a need for practice change in management of healthcare-related critical incidents. Peer-support programs have been cited as the most impactful resource healthcare professionals request following a critical incident (Daniels & McCorkle, 2016). SupportingYOU, a peer-support program, is in the process of expansion at a large academic children’s hospital in northern West Virginia in anticipation for the opening of a new facility. The specific aim of this project was to raise awareness of second victim phenomenon (SVP), SupportingYOU, and perception of awareness of resiliency. Interventions included multi-formatted educational sessions on SVP and SupportingYOU via PowerPoints, brochures, flyers, and verbal presentations. The targeted population for this project included all staff within the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), lactation services, child life services, and medical-surgical pediatric units. The research design was quasi-experimental with pretest and posttests conducted to elicit measures of results. Conclusions drawn from this project included statistically significant (p=0.000) values of increased awareness of SVP and perception of awareness of resiliency (p=0.000). Additionally, participants expressed enhanced feelings of being cared for from the organization (p=0.002).
