"Application of Project Management Strategies and Tools for an Efficien" by Benton Duane Morris



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Andrew Nix

Committee Member

Brian Woerner

Committee Member

Scott Wayne


The industry-level engineering workforce for a project in modern times requires a clear plan and management process to execute the goals of the consumer and the producer. The engineers of tomorrow need the ability to be competitive and successful upon entry into the industry, where there have already been established management tactics for the execution of the company's goals. The mentality within the industry is adaptable to senior collegiate-level competition-based capstone projects. Therefore the West Virginia University EcoCAR Mobility Challenge team has adapted, altered, or adjusted industry-level practices in order to have an overall functioning and effective team that follows a project management plan evaluating industry. The main intention of the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge is to convert a stock vehicle into an hybrid electric vehicle over four years following the Vehicle Development Process (VDP). The team started with fresh new members and team management at the start of the competition, and over the course of the competition, the team was able to adapt, alter and adjust industry-level management tactics and practices into the overall successful team. In Year 1 of the competition the team placed seventh and through the practice of using the tools from industry finished in third place in Year 3 of the competition. By executing a project management plan, teams at the university level can mitigate risk, develop proper schedules, team structures, communicate efficiently, and be successful. The skills adapted and used from industry for a competitive and efficient competition-based senior-level capstone not only will make the project itself successful as it would in industry, but knowledge of these tools prepares the students for the demanding rigorous career within a project-based or product-based industry of choice. The methods of management and tactics adopted by the team cover traditional and agile management, along with understanding management tactics in terms of communication, team structure and organization, scheduling, risk management, requirements management and change management. The tactics of management covered in this document can be adapted and applied to any engineering competition project with the desire to produce a successful product and manage and operate an efficient team for continued sustainability for future endeavors.
