

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Committee Chair

Rakesh K. Gupta.


The effectiveness of an external composite reinforcement in improving the strength and durability of a conventional CCA treated wood post was studied. A combination of HMR as primer and epoxy as adhesive was found to provide the best possible adhesion of a glass fibers to CCA treated wood. Wrapped samples, representing a scaled down version of the proposed posts were subjected to 6-cycle accelerated aging and freeze-thaw chemical aging (in acidic, alkaline, water and salt water solutions). The retention in mechanical properties was measured using flexure tests and DMTA. The performance in terms of modulus and rigidity was reduced the most by acidic medium, and the least by saltwater medium. It was concluded that under unaged conditions, the flexural rigidity of wood is improved by 162% due to composite wrapping. The technique of composite wrapping also shows a promise of improving the properties of guard-rail posts under actual field conditions.
