"Nondestructive Condition Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Using Ultr" by Tyler Keith Ashbrook



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Udaya Halabe

Committee Member

Hema Siriwardane

Committee Member

Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan


Civil Infrastructure controls the way people live by providing safe passage and shelter across the entire globe. Since safety leads the concern in infrastructure, it is essential to ensure that these structures have been adequately tested and analyzed periodically. Testing these structures can be extremely expensive when parts are required to be removed to capture the flaw, which is why nondestructive testing (NDT) continues to grow in demand since it can evaluate the structural component in-situ without causing any damage. Ultrasonic testing (UT) helps to adequately sustain and advance the safety in existing and future infrastructure across the globe. Continual advancement and use of UT methods for the application of condition assessment in the field of civil infrastructure can provide a cheaper alternative to other conventional practices.

This report focuses on the UT methods of NDT and aims to provide an in-depth literature review of the different testing styles. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Ultrasonic Pulse Echo, Semi-direct and Indirect testing, Time of flight Diffraction, Phased Array ultrasonic testing, are some of the NDT methods commonly used and discussed in the report. These techniques are routinely being applied to the condition assessment of concrete, steel, and timber structural members including the assessment of debonding between rebar cage and surrounding concrete in reinforced concrete structural members. With the techniques already established, the goals of the NDT industry are to make the techniques safer, cost effective, and modifying the systems to integrate a more accessible process.
