"A Sense of Sp(Pl)ace." by Gary Gage Roper

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Permanent Embargo – MFA Creative Writing

Degree Type



College of Creative Arts



Committee Chair

Robert Anderson


Throughout graduate school, I have found myself constantly questioning what drives me to create the forms I make from clay. Some of the work is functional; some of the pieces merely imply functionality. Though inspired by countless contemporary artists, I find myself most intrigued by potters whose work “pushes the envelope”. My strongest source of inspiration, however, draws from life experiences, as well as the environments in which they took place. Industrial objects with their clean manufactured lines and mechanical components, along with all forms of architecture intrigue me as well. The linear quality and basic geometric shapes of these man-made objects are reflected in the forms that I choose to create (watering cans, bowls, and vase). As a ceramic artist, it is my desire to respond to life experiences in a metaphoric fashion that hopefully will stimulate the viewer both visually, as well as in a tactile sense.

Available for download on Wednesday, February 17, 2123
