"Java Challenge Software Project" by Karuna Annavajjala



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

John R. Callahan.


Programming contests are a means of exploiting the problem solving capabilities of developers and they provide a forum for display of extraordinary programming skills. The Java Challenge (JC) Software Project is the saga of creating an automated, secure and responsive programming contest system for deployment on the Internet and to collect information about programming practices, habits, and trends in coding in such restricted environment. The methodology followed to design, implement, and evaluate such a system uses new technologies such as the WWW, mail filtering and sandboxing techniques. The current Java Challenge implementation runs the Java Challenge on a Solaris 2.6 platform under specified regulations. The scripts are developed in Perl. The security features of jdkl.2 have been researched and successfully implemented. The mode of entry acceptance is electronic mail in a specified format. Standard Unix features have been used for data archiving and information redirection. The JC software is an application package that conducts programming contests in an automated manner, provides a secure environment for evaluation and does web listing updates automatically.
