Date of Graduation
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Committee Chair
Eung Ha Cho.
Bed experiments were conducted to treat acid mine drainage with Weirton steel slag which contained 72.22% as Ca(OH)2 equivalent. The Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) sample was obtained from the T&T site located in northern West Virginia. The pH of the solution was 2.56 and the iron content was 89 ppm. The bed was constructed with tin-coated aluminum sheets and was 11&feet;8-1/4&inches; long, 2&inches; wide and 2&inches; high. The experiments were conducted by charging the bed half full with the slag particles (4 x 40 mesh) and then pumping AMD solution (T&T) through the bed. The flow rates used were 78 mL/min and 150 mL/min. The effluent solution was collected, and analyzed for acidity and iron. Also the pH of the sample was measured. From the data the degree of neutralization and iron precipitation were determined. For the purpose of comparison one experiment was conducted with the same sized limestone sample.;It was found that the Weirton slag was better than limestone in treating the AMD. This may be due to distinctive neutralization mechanisms with these two solid samples. The neutralization reaction with the Weirton slag may be controlled by diffusion of hydroxyl ions through the armored ferric hydroxide layer, which is produced by the neutralization. However the reaction with the limestone may be controlled by surface reaction with the acid. Thus, the neutralization with Weirton slag is less vulnerable to armoring than the limestone. For the treatment of AMD with the Weirton slag, the degree of neutralization is higher with the lower flow rate although the iron precipitation on the bed is more.
Recommended Citation
Seshadri, Prashant, "Treatment of acid mine drainage with Weirton steel slags" (2000). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 1088.