Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Creative Arts


Acting and Directing

Committee Chair

Jerry McGonigle

Committee Co-Chair

Phillip Beck

Committee Member

Jules Malarcher


Oleanna, originally written and produced in 1992, was presented by WVU’s Division of Theatre and Dance in September 2004. While I initially perceived the challenges of playing John as rather straightforward, I soon learned that there is a great deal more to Mamet’s character than I gave him credit for. Oleanna proves an excellent example of Mamet’s use of elliptical dialogue, especially in the telephone calls, and although I initially approached this as a purely technical challenge I was delighted to find very real creative challenges lurking within. The same is true of the role that status plays in the construction and implementation of this script. The final hurdle I faced in the process of creating John for the stage had to do with learning the script in German, (a language I do not speak), in preparation for remounting the production in Bamberg, Germany, in May 2005
