

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mining Engineering

Committee Chair

Abdul W. Khair.


The main objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between cutting parameters (cutting force, penetration force, specific energy, specific respirable dust) and the bit geometry parameters (angle of the bit tip, bit tip size and shape of the bit) in order to reduce the amount of specific respirable dust generated and the specific energy consumed in rotary cutting. In the cutting process when two grooves are made in the rock at certain spacing, a land/ridge is formed between the two adjacent grooves. If that land/ridge can be removed in a cutting cycle, then a clean surface will be available for the subsequent cutting. When two cuts are made at optimum spacing the two bits starts interacting and will result in removal of the land/ridge. In order to investigate the relationship, five conical bits with tip angles ranging from 70° to 100° and two wedge shaped bits with different gage widths were used in this study. The relationship between penetration and cutting forces and the bit geometry parameters were evaluated. The relationship between specific energy consumed, specific respirable dust generated and the bit geometry was also evaluated.
