"A Preoperative Intervention to Improve Glycemic Control in Surgical Pa" by Kelsey L. Boyd



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Aaron Ostrowski

Committee Co-Chair

Paula Fotta

Committee Member

Paula Fotta

Committee Member

Andrea McCarty


Perioperative hyperglycemia is reported in 20-40% of patients undergoing general surgery and is an independent risk factor for negative surgical outcomes. Patients with diabetes presenting to a local community hospital are at risk for negative surgical outcomes due to the lack of strategies to prevent perioperative hyperglycemia. This project aimed to implement and evaluate the usefulness of succinct diabetes education for preoperative total joint surgical patients with diabetes. The intervention was a nurse-led, face-to-face diabetes education session provided to total joint surgical patients with diabetes during a preoperative evaluation appointment, compared to usual care (no preoperative diabetes education). This project utilized a retrospective review consisting of an 8-week baseline period (usual care), followed by an 8-week active period (intervention received). Participants included all total joint surgical patients with and without diabetes during the described time periods selected by convenience. Outcome measures including glycemic control, length of stay (LOS), surgical site infections, and number of patients who received diabetes education were measured. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics to evaluate the effectiveness and usefulness of the intervention. Participants in the active period showed a significant increase in the number of patients who received diabetes education (p0.05). Studies have shown providing diabetes education leads to improved glycemic control and reduces diabetes associated complications. This project shows the importance of identifying perioperative hyperglycemia and the clinical significance it has on surgical populations.
