

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Committee Chair

Rakesh K. Gupta.


Fiber reinforced polymer composites, FRPs, have an increased role in structural applications. Environmental durability is important for the design of structural components. Processes such as pultrusion are cost-effective methods of producing FRPs. This research focused on the durability of pultruded FRP with different processing conditions. Pultruded samples made at different line speeds (4, 8, and 12 ipm) were immersed in water at 25, 50, and 85°C for varying lengths of time and the mechanical properties evaluated via 3-point bending tests. A reduction in strength was observed for the samples immersed in 50 and 85°C water, with the largest reduction occurring at 85°C. No difference was observed between those samples that had been subjected to mechanical stress and those that had not been stressed while immersed at 85°C. Freeze-thaw cycling had no effect on the strength. DMTA analysis showed that an increase in glass transition temperature, Tg, occurred with increased aging temperature, indicating additional cross-linking had occurred. However, results showed that line speed in the range examined did not affect mechanical properties or the degradation of those properties.
