"Stylistic Changes in the Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger" by Xinlei Chu

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Creative Arts


School of Music

Committee Chair

David Taddie

Committee Co-Chair

Andrew Kohn

Committee Member

Andrew Kohn

Committee Member

Matthew Heap

Committee Member

Andrea Houde

Committee Member

General Hambrick


While the body of Ruth Crawford Seeger’s works is not extensive, her musical legacy cannot be ignored. As a central member of the “ultramoderns,” her work influenced the next generation of American composers such as Elliot Carter. This research document examines the stylistic changes of Crawford’s music throughout her career as a composer. Taking into account the various influences that could have impacted her compositional style over time, three pieces were selected for in-depth analysis from different times in Crawford’s life. The first two pieces analyzed are the first movement of Diaphonic Suite No. 2 and the third movement of Three Songs, entitled “In Tall Grass.” These pieces were composed after Crawford began studying under Charles Seeger. The third piece analyzed in this research, the third movement of Suite for Wind Quintet, was composed after a twenty-year compositional hiatus where Crawford focused on folk music and children’s music education. Using a variety of methods, analysis is conducted in order to explore Crawford’s compositional techniques and uncover stylistic similarities and differences between the three pieces.
