"Development of a Machine Learning model to characterize the performanc" by Samuel A. Okeleye

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type


Publication Pending

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Arvind Thiruvengadam

Committee Co-Chair

Mario Perhinschi

Committee Member

Mario Perhinschi

Committee Member

Vyacheslav Akkerman

Committee Member

Derek Johnson

Committee Member

Marc Besch

Committee Member

Saroj Pradhan


Particulate matter (PM) and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) are the major pollutants in diesel engines, an attempt to control one leads to an increase in the other, a phenomenon known as PM-NOx trade-off in diesel engine emission control. Currently, these two pollutants are controlled by the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) after-treatment system respectively, in addition to the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) which helps to provide 1:1 split of NO/NO2 and helps with raising exhaust gas temperatures. Today, heavy-duty diesel engines feature a DPF, a primary SCR and a secondary SCR. Despite this complex after-treatment control system, current emissions are still well above the limits that have been set for 2024 and beyond. Emission regulations are continually getting more stringent, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) had proposed and adopted a low NOx emission regulation in the year 2020. This rule tightens Federal Test Procedure (FTP) NOx limits to 0.05 g/bhp-hr from 2024 and 0.02 g/bhp-hr from 2027. This is about 90 % reduction from the current 0.2 g/bhp-hr limit by 2027. The current after-treatment configuration for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (HDDEs) is already too voluminous and costly. Integrating the SCR and the DPF into a single component known as the Selective Catalytic Reduction on Filter (SCRF) could reduce the cost and save some space as well as help improve the thermal inertia and reduce cold start emissions in HDDEs.

However, NO2 is an important part of the operations of both the DPF (passive soot oxidation) and the SCR (fast SCR reactions), therefore, there could be a struggle for NO2 consumption in both DPF and SCR activities of the SCRF, this could limit the performance in the path/operation that is not being favored in the struggle. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the performance of an SCRF and determine if certain functionality is favored over another, as well as investigate the extent of the impact on the less favored functionality of the SCRF. The SCRF was loaded with soot from 0 g/L to 5 g/L and NOx conversion and soot oxidation was examined as soot loading increased on an engine dynamometer test. A data-driven model was also developed to predict NOx conversion efficiency of the SCRF and investigate the possibility of the model being utilized as a virtual NOx sensor to save cost on expensive NOx sensor at post SCRF location.

Results indicated that increased soot load encourages passive regeneration at temperatures below and above 300 ⁰ C, it also results in reduced engine-out NOx emission due to increased backpressure in the SCRF. NOx conversion efficiency was also observed to have been increasing with increasing differential pressure and/or particulate loading across the SCRF. Steady state cycle such as the RMC helps more with passive soot oxidation because of elevated temperatures. Machine learning models can be used to develop a virtual NOx sensor with reasonable accuracy in the SCRF, Tree-based models are more advantageous than a neural network model when it comes to computation time, even when accuracy of predictions are comparable.
