"Probabilistic Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting for the Challenge" by Richard J. Licata III

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Piyush M. Mehta

Committee Co-Chair

Jason Gross

Committee Member

Jason Gross

Committee Member

Yu Gu

Committee Member

Snehalata Huzurbazar

Committee Member

Nasser Nasrabadi

Committee Member

Natalia Schmid


In the modern space age, private companies are crowding the already-congested low Earth orbit (LEO) regime with small satellite mega constellations. With over 25,000 objects larger than 10 cm already in LEO, this rapid expansion is forcing us towards the enterprise on Space Traffic Management (STM). STM is an operational effort that focuses on conjunction assessment and collision avoidance between objects. While the equations of motion for objects in orbit are well-known, there are many uncertain parameters that result in the uncertainty of an object's future position. The force that the atmosphere exerts on satellite - known as drag - is the largest source of uncertainty in LEO. This is largely due to the difficulty in predicting mass density in the thermosphere - the neutral region in Earth's upper atmosphere. Presently, most thermosphere models are deterministic and the treatment of uncertainty in density is highly simplified or nonexistent in operations.

In this work, four probabilistic thermospheric mass density models are developed using machine learning (ML) to enable the investigation of the impact of model uncertainty on satellite position for the first time. Of these four models, two (HASDM-ML and TIE-GCM ROPE) are reduced order models based on outputs from existing thermosphere models while the other two (CHAMP-ML and MSIS-UQ) are based on in-situ thermosphere measurements. The data and model development are described, and the models' capabilities, including the robustness of their uncertainty quantification (UQ) capabilities, are thoroughly assessed.

Existing thermosphere models, and the ones developed here, use different space weather drivers to estimate density. In a forecasting environment, there are algorithms and models that forecast the drivers for a given period in order for a density model to make a forecast. The driver forecast models used by the United States Space Force for the HASDM system are assessed to benchmark our current capabilities. Using the error statistics for each driver, we can perturb the deterministic forecasts. This provides an avenue to use the ML thermosphere models to study the effect of driver uncertainty on satellite position, in addition to model uncertainty, for any period with available driver forecasts. Seven periods are considered with diverse space weather conditions to study the isolated effects of the two density uncertainty sources on a 72-hour satellite orbit. This provides insight into the relative importance of density uncertainty on satellite position for various space weather scenarios. This study also functions as a motivation to reconsider our current methods for STM in order to improve our capabilities and prevent future satellite collisions with increased confidence.

Included in

Astrodynamics Commons
