Author ORCID Identifier
Date of Graduation
Document Type
Publication Pending
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Committee Chair
P.V. Vijay
Committee Member
Karl Barth
Committee Member
Radhey Sharma
Committee Member
Rakesh Gupta
Committee Member
Allan Manalo
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are excellent alternatives to traditional materials for civil infrastructure. Several researchers have worked on the application of FRP composites for construction, repair, and rehabilitation of structures. This research aims at evaluating the use of carbon, glass, basalt, and hybrid FRPs with epoxy and polyurethane resin systems for rehabilitation of damaged structural components. Following evaluations were carried out in this research: (i) tension testing of FRP coupons, (ii) compression testing of concrete cylinders with and without damaged sections/FRP reinforcements, (iii) flexural testing of external-FRP reinforced RC beams with and without damages, (iv) pull-off tests on FRP wraps bonded to concrete surface under various surface and dry/wet conditions, and (v) comparison of experimental results with the theoretical analysis for axial and flexural structural members.
As a part of this work, partially/fully damaged concrete cylinders and reinforced concrete beams wrapped with different FRP systems were tested in compression or flexure to evaluate their axial and flexural strength/stiffness properties, confinement effects, energy absorption, and failure modes. Theoretical models were compared with the experimental results and found to be in good agreement for different FRP systems. FRP systems with carbon, glass, and basalt fibers were found to be effective in providing axial and flexural strength enhancements. The FRP wrap effectiveness was found to depend upon the fiber type, primer, resin, and fiber wet-out properties. FRP fabrics help rehabilitate the damaged civil infrastructure members such as beams and columns at a fraction of the huge replacement costs.
Recommended Citation
Gadde, Krishna Tulasi, "STRENGTHENING OF DAMAGED STRUCTURAL MEMBERS WITH EXTERNAL FRP" (2023). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 11641.