"“Building the Roots”: A Delphi Study Examining the Aims of a Multicult" by Matthew Paul Gonzalez



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Applied Human Sciences


Sport and Exercise Psychology

Committee Chair

Sam Zizzi

Committee Member

James Wyant

Committee Member

Terilyn Shigeno

Committee Member

Jack Watson


Historically, opportunities to develop cultural competency in sport and exercise psychology graduate programs have been limited (Lee, 2015). Recently, major sport psychology organizations across the world have started to require cultural competency in their credentialing requirements. While this represents progress, these requirements can be met with a single course, which falls below the ideal of integrated cultural competency education (Martens et al., 2000). The present study investigated how to maximize the quality of a single course by coming to agreement on a proposed set of impactful and feasible learning outcomes and assessments in that proposed single course related to cultural competency. Eleven sport and exercise psychology professionals with significant expertise in teaching and/or researching cultural competency development completed a three-round Delphi study which resulted in 71 learning outcomes and 33 learning assessments. Of those, the panel fully agreed on the impact and feasibility of 11 learning outcomes and 3 assessments. Further, these professionals provided critical feedback on how to continue to enhance cultural competency in sport and exercise psychology graduate education.
