"Modeling and Simulation of a Process That Converts Ethane to Ethylene " by Ernest Bosire Mokaya



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Committee Chair

Srinivas Palanki

Committee Member

Fernando Lima

Committee Member

Yuhe Tian


Ethylene is a critical feedstock and a major building block in the petrochemical industry that is used in synthesizing important products like polyethylene, ethanol, ethylene oxide, ethylene dichloride and ethylbenzene. With increasing demand of plastics, production of ethylene and subsequently polyethylene has increased globally. This thesis conducts the modeling and simulation of an integrated process that utilizes ethane as the primary feedstock to produce ethylene and the subsequent polymerization of ethylene to low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The process combines two different processes into one integrated process: (1) conversion of ethane to ethylene and (2) conversion of ethylene to LDPE. First, a steady-state simulation for converting ethane gas from a shale gas processing plant into ethylene is developed and a sensitivity analysis with respect to variation in design operating conditions of different unit operations is performed. Second, a steady-state simulation for converting ethylene to LDPE is developed and a sensitivity analysis with respect to variation in design operating conditions of different unit operations and initiator concentration is performed. A heat integration approach for the whole process is utilized to minimize the utility costs and increase the efficiency of the process.
