"Machine Learning for Biosensors" by Gayathri Anapanani



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Yuxin Liu

Committee Member

Jeremy Dawson

Committee Member

Natalia Schmid


Biosensors have become increasingly popular as diagnostic tools due to their ability to detect and quantify biological analytes in a wide range of applications. With the growing demand for faster and more reliable biosensing devices, machine learning has become a valuable tool in enhancing biosensor performance. In this report, we review recent progress in the application of machine learning to biosensors. We discuss the potential benefits of using machine learning in biosensors, including improved sensitivity, selectivity, and accuracy. We also discuss the various machine learning techniques that have been applied to biosensors, including data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification and data analysis models. The potential benefits of machine learning in biosensors are discussed, including the ability to analyze large and complex data sets, to detect subtle changes in biomolecular interactions, and to provide real-time monitoring of biological processes. The challenges associated with the integration of machine learning and biosensors are also addressed, including data availability, sensor performance, and computational requirements. We further highlight the challenges and opportunities for the integration of machine learning and biosensors, including the development of portable and low-cost biosensors, and the use of machine learning algorithms for efficient data analysis. Finally, we provide an outlook on future trends and emerging technologies in the field, including the use of artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms for biosensors, and the potential for creating a fully autonomous biosensing system.
