

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Committee Co-Chair

Mohamed El Sgher

Committee Member

Kashy Aminian

Committee Member

Samuel Ameri


The main goal of the study was to accurately predict the production potential of Marcellus shale horizontal well with multistage of hydraulic fractures by incorporating geomechanical factors, gas adsorption, hydraulic fracturing treatment data in the reservoir simulation model. To achieve this goal, core plug measurements, well logs, image logs, hydraulic fracture treatment data, and production data were analyzed, combined, and used to develop a reservoir simulation model. Rocks mechanical properties were estimated from the well logs and then correlated with the core measurement to accurately predict the minimum horizontal stress in the reservoir. Adsorption characteristics, porosity, and permeability were estimated from the core plugs measurement and well logs data. The distribution of natural fractures was estimated from the image logs. Then, the hydraulic fractures properties were predicted using commercial software by using the mechanical properties, hydraulics fracturing pump schedule, and incorporating the stress interference between the hydraulic fracture stages (stress shadow). Additionally, the published data were analyzed to study the impact of the effective stress on the permeability and hydraulic fracture conductivity. The model production predictions were compared against field production data to validate the model.

The results show that shale gas reservoirs production performance can be accurately predicted by integrating hydraulic fractures properties and geomechanics with reservoir simulation. Accurate prediction of the gas production required the inclusion of the compressibility multipliers (matrix, fissure, and hydraulic fracture), stress shadow-impacted hydraulic characteristics, and adsorbed gas. The hydraulic fractures in the Marcellus Shale tend to grow in the upward direction due to the low stress barriers above the shale, which decreases the effectiveness of the fracture. Compressibility and stress shadowing were found to have a negative impact on gas production, especially in the early phases (1-5 years). For horizontal shale wells with multiple hydraulic fracture stages, the methodology proposed in this study may be utilized to predict gas production and determine the optimal hydraulic fracture spacing.
