Date of Graduation
Document Type
Publication Pending
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair
Xingbo Liu
Committee Co-Chair
Wei Li
Committee Member
Wenyuan Li
Non-stoichiometric perovskite oxides have been studied as a new family of redox oxides for solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH) production owing to their favourable thermodynamic properties. However, conventional perovskite oxides suffer from limited phase stability and kinetic properties, and poor cyclability. Here, we report a strategy of introducing A-site multi-principal-component mixing to develop a high-entropy perovskite oxide, (La1/6Pr1/6Nd1/6Gd1/6Sr1/6Ba1/6)MnO3 (LPNGSB_Mn), which shows desirable thermodynamic and kinetics properties as well as excellent phase stability and cycling durability. LPNGSB_Mn exhibits enhanced hydrogen production (~77.5 mmol moloxide–1) compared to (La2/3Sr1/3)MnO3 (~53.5 mmol moloxide–1) in a short 1-hour redox duration and high STCH and phase stability for 50 cycles. LPNGSB_Mn possesses a moderate enthalpy of reduction (252.51-296.32 kJ (mol-O)−1), a high entropy of reduction (126.95-168.85 J (mol-O)−1 K–1), and fast surface oxygen exchange kinetics. All A-site cations do not show observable valence changes during the reduction and oxidation processes. This research suggests a new class of A-site high-entropy perovskite oxides with a vast compositional space for tailoring properties for STCH.
Recommended Citation
Liu, Cijie, "Manganese-based A-site high-entropy perovskite oxides for solar thermochemical hydrogen production" (2023). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 12205.