Author ORCID Identifier



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report


Reed College of Media


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Dana Coester

Committee Co-Chair

Emily Corio

Committee Member

Nancy Caronia

Committee Member

Gina Martino-Dahlia


As technology and audience demand change the traditional media landscape, student organizations at the university level, such as West Virginia University’s Student Media, are looking for ways to expand experiential learning opportunities for their students. This professional project seeks to address this need at West Virginia University by proposing and developing a prototype for a stand-alone community of practice for podcasting and audio editing as a student organization under the management of an advisor and professional staff. This project will not only justify the importance and timeliness of an experiential learning environment centered on podcasting but also culminate in generating a prototype and operations manual for the creation and management of a stand-alone podcasting and audio editing student organization. The manual will include organizational structure, define the products and services it will produce, outline consistent content creation and monetization and other needs for this new organization. The concepts proposed in this professional project are expected to guide and facilitate the creation of this studio at WVU and serve as a transferable prototype for other university student media organizations.
