"Comparison of 19mm Superpave and Marshall Base II mixes in West Virgin" by Vasavi Kanneganti



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

John P. Zaniewski.


The Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements (Superpave(TM)) asphalt concrete mix design method was developed through Strategic Highway Program (SHRP) in 1993. With the introduction of Superpave mix design, the Marshall method of mix design is becoming obsolete for highway pavements. Superpave implementation varies by state. The WVDOH has implemented Superpave on all National Highway System projects since 1997. The decision regarding implementation of Superpave for low volume roads in WV is still under review.;The primary objective of this research work was to compare the 19mm Superpave and Base II Marshall design mixes in WV to supplement information required for WVDOH to make a suitable decision regarding the implementation of Superpave for low volume roads.;The Marshall and Superpave methods were compared by preparing similar mix design with each method. The mix designs from each method were cross-compared with the conclusion that mixes developed under one method meet the criteria of the other method. In addition, the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) was used to evaluate rutting performance of gyratory compacted samples in the laboratory. The statistical analysis of rut depth results indicated there is not enough evidence to conclude there is a significant difference between the Marshall and Superpave mix design methods. It can be concluded that for the materials evaluated in this research, the Marshall and Superpave methods produce interchangeable results.
