

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Reed College of Media


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Geah Pressgrove

Committee Member

Steve Urbanski

Committee Member

Julia Fraustino

Committee Member

David Smaldone


This thesis investigates the communication strategies employed by zoo professionals to promote engagement and advanec animal conservation education. Through in-depth interviews with zoo experts, the stidy explores the intricate connections between communication practices and stewardship princliples within zoo facilities. Findings from this study contribute to the understanding of effective communication in the realm of animal conservation, with implications for both zoo practitioners and conservation educators. The study delves into the effective strategies for identifying and fostering relationships with environmental stewards, alongside encouraging their involvement in zoo-based animal conservation initiatives. The theoretical implications highlight gaps in existing models, emphasizing the need for nurturing stewardship relationships across the lifespan and addressing constraint recognition challenges. The study also underscores the importance of integrating reporting and responsibility in communication strategies, proposing the inclusion of financial prudence as a dimension of stewardship. Practical implications emphasize the significance of tailored messaging, cognitive and emotional connections, inclusivity, and community orientation in engaging audiences and nurturing stewardship behaviors. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts beyond the confines of zoo facilities, advocating for lifelong engagement and personal appreciation strategies. Despite variations in size and resources, zoos of all scales play a vital role in fostering stewardship and advancing conservation efforts.
