"Advancing Opportunities for the Autistic Community at West Virginia Un" by Drew D. Altizer

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Medicine


Occupational Therapy

Committee Chair

Breanna Adkins

Committee Co-Chair

Kayleigh Nolan

Committee Member

Stephanie Lytle

Committee Member

Heather Livengood


Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder often have difficulties with social integration and sensory challenges on collegiate campuses. These difficulties are sometimes tied together as social integration spaces are not always sensory-friendly and can be overwhelming for the individual. Creating a sensory-friendly space within the potentially overstimulating environment can provide the student with a place to recharge and recover and still access the desired social events. This capstone project focused on the design and development of a sensory room in the West Virginia University Mountain Lair Student Union, working directly with the students in the West Virginia University Autism Support Program to attend social events with peers, and assisting students in meeting their academic, social, executive functioning, and independent living goals to independently excel in their collegiate careers. Students met many of their goals and succeeded academically throughout the semester, and the sensory room in the Mountain Lair is scheduled to open for the Fall 2024 semester.
