Author ORCID Identifier
Date of Graduation
Document Type
Publication Pending
Degree Type
College of Applied Human Sciences
Physical Education Teacher Education
Committee Chair
Samantha Ross
Committee Co-Chair
Andrea Taliaferro
Committee Member
Melissa Sherfinski
Committee Member
Eloise Elliott
Committee Member
Sean Healy
University recreation centers are identified as the main sources of physical activity for college students. However, an estimated 68% of college students with disabilities (SWD) use their campus recreational facilities less than five times per year (Yoh et al., 2008). Structural and programmatic accessibility barriers may account for low facility use and corresponding low physical activity levels among college SWD. An accessibility assessment of facilities and programming is warranted to identify priority areas for barrier removal. This collective case study evaluates the accessibility of three campus recreation facilities at 4-year public universities in the southeast U.S. Adopting a mixed-method approach, quantitative data from the Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreation Environments (AIMFREE) assessment was triangulated with qualitative interview data from campus recreation directors and staff.
The three cases scored below-average accessibility (
Recommended Citation
Abrahamson, Kayla B., "An Inquiry into the Accessibility of Campus Recreation for College Students with Disabilities" (2024). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 12406.