"Teaching Cultural Humility Practices in Appalachia: The Value of Condu" by Bailey A. Riggs

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Medicine


Occupational Therapy

Committee Chair

Diana Davis

Committee Co-Chair

Courtney Lanham

Committee Member

Kayleigh Nolan

Committee Member

Heather Livengood


Recent literature highlights the paradigm shift from utilizing cultural competence practices to cultural humility practices within the field of occupational therapy, and health sciences (Fisher- Borne, et al., 2015). The idea of cultural competency suggests that culture is unchanging, and individuals can master cultural knowledge. The perception of knowing culture can be perceived as an unwillingness to learn about culture. In contrast, cultural humility promotes the value of lifelong learning and introspection, encouraging greater self-awareness, reflection of personal biases, and recognition of power imbalances. This approach aims to better integrate educational approaches to serve diverse populations in a culturally affirming way. The value of implementing and modifying cultural humility education to enhance the understanding of culture for West Virginia University’s Occupational Therapy program is essential. Acknowledging the need for continuous cultural education throughout the lifespan, as well as upholding accountability to identify personal biases affecting personal and professional interactions, can foster culturally effective practice environments. This project aims to promote the inclusion of a student-developed instructor manual on integrating a cultural humility lens when developing and providing education, as well as experiential learning opportunities and trainings for WVU occupational therapy students and professionals. Cultural humility approaches will be integrated within the current curriculum to progress the outcomes of therapeutic intervention utilizing a holistic and client-centered lens.
