"Life After Sport: A Program Development Plan for Student-Athletes" by Loryn Shawn Frame

Author ORCID Identifier




Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Medicine


Occupational Therapy

Committee Chair

Richelle Gray

Committee Co-Chair

Steven Wheeler

Committee Member

Ryan Huff

Committee Member

Kayleigh Nolan

Committee Member

Heather Livengood


College athletics stakeholders have had growing concerns regarding student-athletes’ transition out of collegiate athletics. Research specific to student-athletes following college athletics has explored mental health, role identity, and occupational participation. This program development plan addresses occupational therapy’s role in assisting student-athletes transition out of collegiate athletics. The needs assessment conducted with West Virginia University athletic staff revealed two gaps in programming: athletic identity including leisure exploration, and a program to help student-athletes who want to enter health professional programs. Life After Sport comprises two programs, one to help student-athletes transition into a health professional program, titled Athletes in Medicine (AIM), and one for athletic identity and leisure activities, titled Beyond the Field (BTF). The AIM program is a six-session program that is meant to be completed in succession: 1) introduction and profession exploration; 2) program exploration, entrance exam, and prerequisite coursework; 3) GPA and gaining experiences; 4) resume, letters of recommendation, application, and personal statement; 5) interviewing; and 6) panel and networking. The pilot program cohort consisted of 22 participants. The BTF program was developed as a single-session program to increase preparedness for transitioning to life after collegiate athletics including athletic identity, leisure exploration, and time management. The pilot program cohort had two participants who were graduating seniors. Pre and post-test surveys were completed for data collection. Results revealed that student-athletes benefit from the two new programs, resulting in increased confidence to transition to life after sport.
