"Burnout Among West Virginia Art Teachers in a Post-Pandemic World" by Kevin Richard Trautwein



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Creative Arts


Art Education

Committee Chair

Annie McFarland

Committee Member

Terese Giobbia

Committee Member

Joseph Lupo


Addressing the issue of teacher burnout is crucial for maintaining a healthy and effective educational environment for both teachers and students. Millions of teachers in the United States feel the negative effects of burnout, especially art educators. Teacher burnout is a significant issue because it can have serious negative impacts on both teachers and students. The art education field is unique in that their style of teaching looks different compared to other subject areas. The art classroom is commonly viewed as a place to decompress, play with art materials, and bring out one's own creativity. It is also viewed as a place to be open about one’s feelings, express individual experiences, adverse childhood experiences, and as an insignificant class compared to other common core subject areas.

Through my research, I have discovered the ways burnout can negatively impact art educators and West Virginia educators alike. The aim of this study was to identify stressors art teachers in West Virginia currently experience, explore teachers’ perceptions of teacher burnout, and determine what factors contribute to burnout most significantly. Through quantitative research methods, I have been able to compile a literature review that describes what burnout is, why it exists, what it looks like in the art classroom, and helpful approaches for West Virginia art educators to combat burnout. To compile this information, I created a self- completion survey separated into three sections, containing a sum of 19 questions total in the form of multiple choice, linear scale, and checkbox questions. Through this quantitative survey, I aim to raise awareness on the issue of burnout and understand the factors contributing to burnout among West Virginia art educators.

Included in

Art Education Commons
