Author ORCID Identifier



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Billie Vance

Committee Co-Chair

Kellon Smith

Committee Member

Peter Hornbeck



Introduction: Laboratory testing is one of the most commonly performed procedures in healthcare and resulting data are paramount to clinical decision making. Background: Preanalytical blood gas laboratory errors often stem from the incorrect recording of a patient’s fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) within the laboratory collection application. Incorrect FiO2 may cause erroneous results or delays in reporting results that have the potential to negatively impact patient safety and medical management.

Purpose: The purpose of this quality improvement initiative was to reduce the occurrence of preanalytical blood gas laboratory errors. Methods/Interventions: This initiative combined modification of the laboratory collection application and staff education to address increases in preanalytical blood gas laboratory errors. This included the creation of a selection box for recording the oxygen delivery device, as well as, limiting the FiO2 and flowrate input box to numerical responses. Education consisted of a succinct educational blood gas laboratory fact sheet, in addition to an Epic “tip sheet” to review the new method of submitting preanalytical data through the collection application.

Results: Implementation of this quality improvement initiative led to a statistically significant decrease in blood gas laboratory errors stemming from the incorrect recording of a patient’s FIO2. Weekly average blood gas laboratory errors were reduced from 16 to 0 following project implementation.

Conclusions: The use of technological modification and education is an appropriate method to reduce preanalytical blood gas laboratory errors and may serve beneficial with other preanalytical laboratory error types. Further project evaluation involves continued observation for the emergence of increased errors in the future.
