Author ORCID Identifier



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Creative Arts


School of Music

Committee Chair

H. Keith Jackson

Committee Co-Chair

Michael Vercelli

Committee Member

Jonas Thoms

Committee Member

Jennifer Ripley Stueckle


Since publishing his first work in 2006, American composer Frank Gulino has been the driving force behind some seventy new pieces of music. With music commissioned and performed by top professionals around the world, Gulino’s star has risen quickly backed by his prowess for writing music for brass instruments in solo works and chamber music. The subject of this document is a sonata for horn and piano entitled Reimaginings, a work commissioned by the author in 2020. This document presents a biographical sketch of the composer, an interpretation for performing the work, and suggestions for learning key skills needed to play it successfully. The biographical sketch is based on three interviews conducted with Gulino between the months of August 2021 and August 2022. Transcripts of the interviews are included. In these conversations, readers will find a unique, intimate perspective as the composer shares his thoughts on the many aspects of his life as a composer, bass trombonist, and attorney. The performance guide outlines the interpretation of Reimaginings developed for the premiere at the 2021 Northeast Horn Workshop at West Virginia University. Each suggestion has been carefully considered and the detailed plan should serve as an excellent starting point for a player preparing the piece. The pedagogical guide addresses several key skills needed for a student to successfully navigate a performance of the work and strategies for teachers leading them through it.
