Date of Graduation
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair
John E. Sneckenberger.
One of the most dynamic developments in the glass industry has been the use of oxy-fuel combustion for melting glass. This new technology has not only increased the energy efficiency of the glass industry, but also has reduced its environmental impacts.;A model has been developed to take into account the effect of pulling the glass for nine hours during the working period on the reduced amount of fuel required for the batch tank, as well as the resulting transients.;The two primary goals of this thesis were to develop a transient transfer function for the batch tank and to develop an enhanced controller by the classical approach for the glass working period. Modeling theory was used to develop the transient transfer function for the batch tank. An enhanced controller was designed that incorporates the average rate at which glass is pulled from the batch tank.
Recommended Citation
Unnikrishnan, Ranjit Menon, "Enhanced controls for oxy-fuel-fired batch tank during glass working period" (2002). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 1293.