"Circulation control for download wake reduction on a scaled V-22 model" by Chad Alan Riba



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

James Earl Smith

Committee Co-Chair

Wade W. Huebsch


West Virginia University has developed a circulation controlled model of the V-22 wing to reduce the size of the download in the wake region brought upon by the airflow from the proprotors. The techniques being used in this experiment are the implementation of blowing slots across the leading edge and trailing edge, activation of one or both of the blowing devices, and adjustment of slot velocity. The results of the study show a decrease in the download force through the incorporation of the Coanda Effect around the leading and trailing edges. The induction of this phenomenon will move the separation region of the airflow to the underside of the wing, thus decreasing the area of wake region separation. This technology, when applied to the leading and trailing edges, will open up a new door in the ability to effectively increase the download of this aircraft or future aircraft design.
